
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nose*VS*Dust Bunnies

OMG! my nose hates me right now. ive just cleaned the dustiest place ive ever seen!!! my room is dusty, but my mom would stop telling me it is if she saw this place! this is just gonna be a short blog, but i thought whoever reads this would love to know that i love my good friend, *you know who you are ;)* and that is why my nose is itching from the inside out!!! LOL

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Being Ondrea

I have to say that being me is a truly wonderful experience. im not trying to brag and im not conceited. the fact is that i have lost sight of who i want to be and who i have become on this wonderful journey called life. as a very special person told me in a time of frustration, "im spiraling out of control". and it took me a while to realize that they are completely right. im not Ondrea anymore. im a floater now, someone who just goes through live not caring, and i dont want to be that person. Ondrea is caring, compassionate, loving, mature, funny, wonderful.... the list goes on and on (so im told) but this floater person is nothing short of an empty space. i just thought everyone should know that i am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. my mother is amazing, she puts up with me and tells me the truth always, and i have amazing friends, Dana and Lisa, who will always be there for me and today Dana helped me realize that i can be Ondrea again, i just need to get back on the right track. today i truly understand what it means when my mother says " i dont like who you are right now, but i love you".

Me N Galileo

Me N Galileo

My Music